
Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get the products of the ATTBLIME product series?2022-02-02T10:41:17+01:00

You can get the entire ATTBLIME product range exclusively in the following online stores: https://attblime.com/shop/

Where can I find the safety data sheets?2021-01-27T15:26:44+01:00

The safety data sheets can be found in our download area under: https://attblime.com/download/

What is the difference between scan time and sublimation time?2021-11-10T14:50:48+01:00

The scan time (effective scan time) describes the time in which the homogeneous surface guarantees a detailed 3D digitization of the object.

The sublimation time is the time within which the spray dissolves completely.

The times given for the individual products vary depending on the environmental conditions such as the component surface, room temperature, air circulation or even the air humidity.

How does cyclododecane behave on sealing rubbers?2021-11-10T14:49:34+01:00

The following observations can occur when AB6 and AB24 are applied to rubber parts where the surface is treated with silicone. A reaction can start, due to the fact that the CDC (cyclododecane) changes from solid to liquid and then to gaseous state, the CDC dissolves after spraying, through the silicone compositions. Thus, after a short time, the CDC becomes liquid. Here one can think that ATTBLIME leaves a film. However, this is CDC in liquid state, which sublimates completely after some time.

How does CDC affect nature and health?2021-11-12T11:41:39+01:00

A common misconception about this chemical substance is that it has harmful effects and cancer causing properties. But studies have shown that CDC is safe to use and has no proven harmful effects.

In 2008, CDC was to be added to the European SVHC list as a substance of concern. However, due to some errors and incorrect conclusions in the dossier, its inclusion was not executed.

Quote: “One example: In 2008, France wanted to include cyclododecane in the candidate list – this inclusion is the first step on the way to approval. French authorities had argued that the substance, which is used in the manufacture of polyamides, is toxic and persistent and accumulates in nature. The approval procedure is intended for such PBT substances (persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic).

But the dossier contained errors and wrong conclusions,” Soballa recalled. The substance mobility in the soil was overstated by a factor of 10. The authorities had also taken computer-simulated data as a basis, although studies show that cyclododecane is toxic neither to algae nor to fish. The substance was withdrawn after Evonik Degussa issued a corresponding notice. Soballa appeals: “Fight for your substances – no substance should be unjustifiably on the candidate list.”

Please read the complete article for your further reference:


Check the classification of CDC on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) under:


Also read the article from the University of Cambridge Museums, which dealt with the substance Cyclododecane, “How dangerous the CDC really is it”:



How can I speed up the sublimation process?2021-01-27T15:28:44+01:00

The subliming products of the ATTBLIME AB6 and AB24 series are characterized by a very long service life. However, there are situations in which this should be shortened. The sublimation time is accelerated by exposing the objects to increased heat and air circulation. Ideally in the sun in the open air.

How can I prevent clogging of the nozzle with the permanent scanning spray ABP?2021-03-24T07:58:05+01:00

The permanent 3D scanning spray ABP must be shaken very vigorously before use until you have mixed the pigments sufficiently with the help of the existing ball in the can. It is best to shake until you hear the ball clearly. This way you will get the best results and the nozzle will not clog.

Does ATTBLIME AB6 contain solvents?2021-02-15T11:17:30+01:00

ATTBLIME AB6 contains the solvent isopropanol. Caution is advised when treating 1k lacquers or lacquered surfaces.

Do I need to shake the AB6 and AB24 sublimating scanning sprays before use?2021-03-24T07:56:45+01:00

No, the scanning sprays ATTBLIME AB6 and AB24, which are based on the raw material cyclododecane, do not need to be shaken before use. Unlike the semi-permanent spray ABP. This must be shaken strongly before use.

Do I have to dilute the containers before use?2021-11-10T14:48:44+01:00

The container versions AB6-G and ABP-G are directly ready for use and are only applied undiluted.

Can CDC keep up with conventional scanning spray in terms of fineness?2021-11-15T11:48:38+01:00

Due to the optimisation in our development, the ATTBLIME®️ Cyclododecane no longer builds up as strongly and the fineness of AB2 and AB6 is guaranteed even after repeated spraying.

Its unique composition delivers a homogenous fine layer with a long sublimation time without the need of subsequent layer makes it the best 3D Scanning Spray product in the market.

Can ATTBLIME meet the increasing demand for CDC?2021-11-15T11:32:54+01:00

With the increasing demand for cyclododecane (CDC), ATTBLIME is able to serve the world market at any time. We produce and distill CDC with a purity of over 99.9%, the highest commercially available.

In order to satisfy the different needs of our customers, we always have all products such as AB2, AB6, AB6-G and AB24 in stock with our partners and distributors worldwide.

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